A skilled, affordable workforce.

One of the Brainerd Lakes Area’s greatest resources is its people. The workforce is well-educated, loyal, skilled and conscientious. Employees appreciate the area’s quality of life and it shows in their work ethic.

If you’re a business located in the Brainerd Lakes Area looking to hire key professional positions, or a managerial level employee looking to move to the Brainerd Lakes Area, learn more about BLAEDC’s Recruitment Program.

Average Weekly Wage by Industry

Companies in CWCEmployees in CWCAvg Weekly Wages in CWC Avg Weekly Wages in MNAvg Weekly Wages in U.S. (2018)
All Industries2,25126,950$828$1,289$1,220
Natural Res. and Mining2057$434$1,054$1,151
Trade, Trans., Utilities4785,791$699$1,063$916
Financial Activities2131,609$1,172$2,585$1,840
Prof., Business Services2631,535$882$1,893$1,445
Educ. and Health Serv.2617,904$919$1,037$970
Leisure and Hospitality2833,011$376$458$463
Other Services197824$497$726$740
Public Admin.731,293$1,053$1,189$1,124
Source: MN Dept. of Employment and Econ. Dev. (QCEW Tool)
Q1 2021 Avg CWC and MN Data, 2018 Annual US Data
Updated: August 2021